Get team color

This event will get the team color of a player.

public int getTeamColor()

Get dye color

This event will get the dye color of a player.

public int getDyeColor()

Are on same team

This event will check if the player is on the same team as another player.

public static boolean areOnSameTeam(final LivingEntity entity, final LivingEntity entity1)

Team to dye color

This event will convert a team to a dye color.

public static int teamToDyeColor(final int teamColor)

Is key pressed

This event will check if a key is pressed.

public static boolean isKeyPressed(final int keyCode)
public static boolean isKeyPressed(final KeyBinding keyBinding)

Is mouse button pressed

This event will check if a mouse button is pressed.

public static boolean isMouseButtonPressed(final int button)