Get direction

This event will get the direction of the player.

public static double getDirection()
public static double getDirection(float yaw)


This event will direction the player.

public static double direction(float rotationYaw, final double moveForward, final double moveStrafing)

Set speed

This event will set the speed of the player.

public static void setSpeed(final double speed)

Get speed

This event will get the speed of the player.

public static float getSpeed()
public static float getSpeed(final Vec3d motion)

Get absolute speed

This event will get the absolute speed of the player.

public static float getAbsoluteSpeed()

Get move vector

This event will get the move vector of the player.

public static Vec3d getMoveVector(final double speed)

Get base move speed

This event will get the base move speed of the player.

public static double getBaseMoveSpeed()

Is moving

This event will check if the player is moving.

public static boolean isMoving()

Get move yaw

This event will get the move yaw of the player.

public static float getMoveYaw()

Get blocks per second

This event will get the blocks per second of the player.

public static double getBlocksPerSecond()

Is in liquid

This event will check if the player is in liquid.

public static boolean isInLiquid()